Post by DorothyB on Mar 14, 2008 22:44:59 GMT -5
A friend and I went to the rodeo tonight. I noticed something I've never noticed before and was hoping someone here could explain.
During calf roping (or whatever it is called), one rider on horseback chases one calf, ropes the calf, jumps off the horse, lays the calf down and ties three of the legs together.
The rider carries the "pigging strap"? (the rope that he ties the feet together with) in his mouth. There is obviously the beige colored rope with the loop that the rider throws over the head of the calf.
There is a third rope that has me baffled. It might (or might not?) be tied around the neck of the horse about 2/3 of the way up. When the rider jumps off the horse and runs to the steer it almost seems to be fastened to the rider, but comes loose and you can see the length of rope and the end just lying there.
OK as I'm typing this - is it because the calf has to be over xx feet from the horse?? If not, what is this rope for?
Post by linda on Mar 14, 2008 23:30:42 GMT -5
The rider ties the feet with the pigging string. The other rope you see is a teaching device. It is to help remind the horse to back up and work the rope tied to the calf. A rider might actually stop what he is doing and shake that rope to get his horse's mind on his job. The horse got reminded to back up when the rope got tight before it pulled out of the cowboy's belt. A common name is "jerk line", but it could easily be called other things in other parts of the country. You will see a cord that most likely goes up to the bit through that rope around the neck. When the rider gets off and heads to the calf, the line jerks on the bit to get the horse moving backwards to "work the rope".
At high dollar rodeos, you won't see that extra rope--because the horses are past that stage in their development. But, you may see the cowboy carrying a "second loop" so he can take a second shot at the calf if he misses on the first one. Rodeos also pay for "averages"--so even though it takes quite a bit of extra time, it might well be worth the cowboy's time to make sure he catches a calf each and every time.
Post by DorothyB on Mar 15, 2008 7:48:40 GMT -5
OK - I would have thought this was a high level rodeo, but that makes a lot of sense!
Post by chippie on Mar 15, 2008 8:57:09 GMT -5
Yes, the it is a jerk line. They do not use it as a teaching device. It assures that the horse will back into the rope to keep it taut. This is one of the top rodeos in the country. The prize money is enormous and it draws the best of the best in the PRCA rodeo industry - the Big Names.
Here is a description of the event.
TIE-DOWN ROPING Tie-down roping is the most technical event in rodeo. It takes long hours of practice to perfect both the roper's and the horse's skills.
The roper is positioned behind a rope barrier in the starting box until the tie-down animal crosses the score line. The length of the scoreline is the head start given to the tie-down animal. Not allowing the required head start will break the rope barrier and adds 10 seconds to a roper's time.
After roping the tie-down animal, the cowboy must run down his rope and lay the animal down by hand. If the tie-down animal is down when he reaches it, he must allow the tie-down animal to get up then lay it down. The roper ties three of the tie-down animal's legs with a piggin string - usually two wraps and a half hitch. The tie must hold for six seconds after the roper calls for the time and slackens the rope. The tie-down roper's horse is all-important. The horse must gauge the speed of the animal, stop on cue in a single stride, then hold the rope taut while the roper runs to the tie-down animal. A solid true-working horse is difficult to find and commands a high price.
A tie-down roper is disqualified for jerking the tie-down animal straight over backwards and fined for using unnecessary roughness.
ETA: Jerk lines are not show legal because it is attached to the bit and cues the horse to back up. In judged tie down roping (AQHA, APHA, ApHC), the jerk line is not legal because the horse is supposed to work the rope on it's own.
Post by bbzTheog on Mar 31, 2019 15:24:46 GMT -5
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Post by Theog on Apr 20, 2019 15:36:21 GMT -5
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Post by Theog on May 1, 2019 2:23:29 GMT -5
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Post by DrovlesHET on May 9, 2019 15:03:11 GMT -5
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Post by Edmeemo on May 23, 2019 3:47:40 GMT -5
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Post by Theog on Jun 5, 2019 4:37:30 GMT -5
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Post by Theog on Jun 10, 2019 8:28:46 GMT -5
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Post by taxiTheog on Jun 15, 2019 12:39:45 GMT -5
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Post by Theog on Jun 17, 2019 6:35:44 GMT -5
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